Réseau express métropolitain (REM): Represented CDPQ Infra Inc. and the corporations in its group in setting up the Réseau express métropolitain (REM) for the acquisition of infrastructures and the transactional, real estate and regulatory aspects
Île-aux-Tourtes Bridge: Represented the consortium of general contractors comprising Dragados Canada Inc., Roxboro Excavation Inc. and Construction Demathieu & Bard Inc. for the new Île-aux-Tourtes Bridge construction project
Railway line in Nova Scotia: Acted as legal counsel in the drafting of the contract for the construction, operation and financing to run the 14-mile railway line between the Port of Sydney in Nova Scotia and a coal-fired generation plant, between Sydney Coal Railway (then a subsidiary of Quebec Railway Corporation) and Nova Scotia Power
Railway lines: Acted as legal counsel in a number of railway line acquisitions:
Quebec Railway Corporation and its subsidiaries
Matapedia and Gulf Railway
New Brunswick East Coat Railway
Ottawa Central Railway
Gaspésie Railway Society
COGEMA train ferry between Matane and Baie-Comeau
Knob Lake and Timmins Railway: Acted as legal counsel in the review of agreements on the acquisition, operating services and maintenance of a railway line between Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador (ore transport)
Montréal metro’s Blue line: Acted as legal counsel for a company that was part of the consortium that took part in the selection process for a portion of the Montréal metro Blue line extension project
EXO: Acted as legal counsel in the review of call for tenders and contract strategy planning for public transit services
Express bus service in Gatineau (Rapibus): Represented the Société de transport de l’Outaouais in the acquisition and construction of the infrastructure needed for the route and reserved lanes, and acted as legal counsel for the launch of this express bus service
Real estate infrastructures
The new Maison de Radio-Canada: Acted as legal counsel for Broccolini Construction Inc. and Société en commandite La Nouvelle Maison for the acquisition, construction, financing and long-term lease of the new Maison de Radio-Canada to the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.
New CHUM: Acted as legal counsel for the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) in all phases of the project (expropriation, call for proposals process, and design and construction)
Montreal International Fuel Facilities Corporation: Acted as legal counsel for the Montreal International Fuel Facilities Corporation for the negotiation and setup of commercial agreements between the public authorities and private companies to deliver an airport fuel tank construction project and to carry the fuel to the Montréal-Trudeau International Airport
Technology infrastructure partnership: Acted as legal counsel in setting up a partnership for the investment and technological development of home automation and smart building technology
Biomont biogas cogeneration plant: Represented Eolectric Inc. in acquiring assets, setting up a project corporation, negotiating supply, construction and energy sales contracts, and closing the financing
Boralex natural gas cogeneration plant: Represented senior lenders in financing the Boralex natural gas cogeneration plant located in Kingsey Falls
Natural gas liquefaction (LNG) plant: Represented Freestone International LLC and GNL Québec Inc. in developing a project to set up a natural gas liquefaction (LNG) plant for export to the Port of Saguenay site
Renewable energy infrastructures
Vents du Kempt wind farm: Acted as legal counsel for Eolectric Club, L.P. and Vents du Kempt Wind Power, L.P. in the development, planning and construction of the Vents du Kempt wind farm
L’Érable wind farm: Acted as legal counsel as part of Éoliennes de l’Érable Inc.’s acquisition of a significant financial interest in the L’Érable wind farm
Nicolas-Riou wind farm: Acted as legal counsel for wind turbine manufacturer Vestas Canadian Wind Technologies in the drafting and negotiation of a supply, maintenance and service contract for the Nicolas-Riou wind farm project
Des Moulins wind farm: Acted as legal counsel for Capital régional et coopératif Desjardins in an equity investment in the corporation owning and operating the Des Moulins wind farm project
Mont Sainte-Marguerite wind project: Represented a loan syndicate for the financing of the Mont Sainte-Marguerite wind project, resulting from Hydro-Québec's community call for tenders and whose promoters are Pattern Energy and RES Canada
Seigneurie de Beaupré Wind Farms 2 and 3: Represented Seigneurie de Beaupré Wind Farms 2 and 3 to build, finance, operate and maintain a wind farm