Proposed General Anti-treaty Shopping Rule : Private Investment Funds Will Need to Play it Safe
LAVERY: A LEADER IN MONTREAL IN THE PRIVATE EQUITY, VENTURE CAPITAL AND INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT INDUSTRY Creating and setting up private equity and venture capital funds are complex initiatives requiring specialized legal resources. There are very few law firms offering such services in Quebec. Lavery (…)
Registration Requirements of Venture Capital and Private Equity Fund Managers in Canada: A Favourable Regulatory Framework
LAVERY: A LEADER IN MONTREAL IN THE PRIVATE EQUITY, VENTURE CAPITAL AND INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT INDUSTRY Creating and setting up private equity and venture capital funds are complex initiatives requiring specialized legal resources. There are very few law firms offering such services in Quebec. Lavery (…)
Bill 1 : New Requirements for Public Calls for Tenders
LAVERY: A LEADER IN MONTREAL IN THE PRIVATE EQUITY, VENTURE CAPITAL AND INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT INDUSTRY Creating and setting up private equity and venture capital funds are complex initiatives requiring specialized legal resources. There are very few law firms offering such services in Quebec. Lavery (…)
Does the federal pension deemed trust outrank a perfected security interest in the context of CCAA proceedings? The Superior Court of Québec weighs in
In the last few years, pension deemed trust issues have been a subject of debate before the courts. The Supreme Court of Canada itself addressed some of these issues in the Indalex case.1 On November 20, 2013, the Honourable Justice Mark Schrager of the Superior Court of Québec rendered an important (…)
Overlapping Insurance Policies: The Court of Appeal of Ontario toes the line!
On January 16 last, the Supreme Court of Canada refused to grant leave to appeal by Lombard following a judgment rendered on June 20, 2013 by the Ontario Court of Appeal.1This decision deals with the issue of overlapping excess and umbrella policies.THE FACTSIn January 1995, an apartment building (…)
Trademarks in the English language on public signs and posters
On April 9 last, the Superior Court of Québec issued its judgement1 on a motion for a declaratory judgment pertaining to trademarks in the English language on public signs and posters. The applicants, Magasin Best Buy Ltée, Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd, Gap (Canada) Inc., Old Navy (Canada) Inc., (…)
Quebec Government Tables Bill to Implement its Pension Plan Action Plan
In our January 2014 bulletin, we provided an overview of the Quebec government’s action plan aimed at [Translation] “correcting and restoring the situation of pension plans”. Also in that bulletin, we noted that in February 2014, the government was planning to introduce the first (…)
The Superior Court of Québec Authorizes the Continuation of Care on a Comatose Patient despite the Refusal of her Parents
On April 1, 2014, the Superior Court issued an interesting decision respecting consent to care1. The Quebec City CHU petitioned the Superior Court in order to be authorized to provide care for a 60-day period to a patient despite the refusal of her parents.On March 14, the 22 years old patient (…)
The Theratechnologies Case
On February 20, 2014, the Supreme Court of Canada allowed the motion for leave to appeal the judgment of the Court of Appeal of Québec rendered in the case of Theratechnologies inc. v. 121851 Canada Inc.1. In this unanimous judgment, the Court of Appeal decided that a judgment authorizing a class (…)
An Uncertain Outlook - Quebec’s mining taxation regime continues to perplex and deter investors in the province
Once hailed as one of the most attractive jurisdictions for mining investment in the world, Quebec has suffered from changes to its taxation regime in recent years that have contributed to the province losing its investor appeal and dropping 11 places in the oft-watched Fraser Institute survey since (…)
Fieldturf Tarkett inc. v. Gilman(1): The Court of Appeal upholds the payment of « phantom share » bonuses where employment has been terminated without a serious reason
THE FACTSOn January 22, 2014, the Court of Appeal of Québec confirmed the 2012 decision of the Superior Court of Québec in Gilman v. Fieldturf Tarkett inc.2 At issue in this case was whether the payment of so-called “phantom share” bonuses were to be paid to employees whose employment (…)