This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.
Étienne Brassard and Édith Jacques speak at the Colloque Export Mauricie Rive-Sud
On February 3, Étienne Brassard and Édith Jacques, partners of our Business Law Group, were invited speakers at the Colloque Export Mauricie Rive-Sud held in Trois-Rivières. Myriam Lavallée, a lawyer of our Labor and Employment Law Group, initiated this partnership between Lavery and the Colloque, which gathered over 150 attendees to hear Mr. Brassard's and Ms Jacques’ presentations covering the legal aspects pertaining to export and risk management as well international trade, respectively. Click here to read the article in the Courrier Sud for more information on the Colloque Export Mauricie Rive-Sud.
Pierre Marc Johnson interviewed by Radio-Canada Première on the CETA's ratification
Pierre Marc Johnson interviewed by Radio-Canada Première on the CETA's ratification.
Pierre Marc Johnson quoted by the Journal de Montréal on the CETA's ratification
Pierre Marc Johnson quoted by the Journal de Montréal on the CETA's ratification.
Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin and Bernard Larocque present the 2016 annual review of insurance law decisions
On February 8 and 9, 2017, Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin and Bernard Larocque, partners and members of the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group, presented the 2016 annual review of insurance law jurisprudence. The presentation took place in our Montreal office as our Québec City and Sherbrooke offices joined through video-conference. This event brought together over 150 attendees where our speakers summarized and exchanged on the main judgments rendered in Quebec during the year 2016.
Élodie Brunet speaks about labour and employment law at the Université de Montréal
Élodie Brunet, a lawyer of our Labour and Employment Law Group, spoke during a luncheon seminar held at Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Law held on February 1, 2017. Organized by Bernard Trang, a student at Lavery, this event allowed more than 65 students to learn about labour and employment law within a law firm. Ms. Brunet presented the main legal aspects of her practice, the different types of mandates received and the examples of cases she dealt with.
Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin and Bernard Larocque present a review of 2016 insurance law jurisprudence to the ABC-Québec
On January 31, 2017, Jonathan Lacoste-Jobin and Bernard Larocque, partners of our Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group, presented the 2016 review of insurance law jurisprudence at the Jean Bélanger Conference of the Canadian Bar Association, Quebec division (ABC-Quebec). This event, which brought together more than 75 attendees, highlighted the 2016 key decisions in the field of insurance law.
Lavery takes part in the 4th edition of Pro Bono Québec’s Grands Vins, Grands Noms benefit evening
On February 9, 2017, several partners and lawyers represented Lavery at Pro Bono Québec's Grands Vins, Grands Noms benefit evening for access to justice, which took place at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. The event brought together some 200 people and raised more than $77 750. Ambassador and sponsor of this benefit evening since its inception, Lavery also contributes to Pro Bono Québec's mission through Bernard Larocque, partner of our Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group who serves as Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors. Funds raised during the evening will provide legal services to the Montreal Children's Hospital; To organize legal information sessions for newcomers, including Syrian refugees, and to hold a legal clinic in Quebec's Far North in March 2017. Click here for more information on Pro Bono Québec.
Ambassadors Club awards the 2016 Event of the Year distinction led by Jean-Simon Deschênes
The 2017 Homage to the Ambassadors event was held on January 13, , where he Ambassadors Club awarded the Event of the Year distinction for an organization to the 2016 Junior Chamber International (JCI) World Congress. The Congress Director was Jean-Simon Deschênes, partner and member of the Business Law Group. The Congress won the award because it generated the most tourist spending in the Quebec City region. As Congress Director and Chief Executive Officer of the 2016 JCI World Congress, Mr. Deschênes was responsible for organizing the event. The opening ceremony included its touch of the Olympic Games, the first ever World Elevator Pitch Competition inspiring speeches by the Molson brothers, Alexandre Bilodeau and Chris Hadfield, as well as coordinating visits to local companies. JCI oversees close to 5,000 Junior Chambers around the world and brings together more than 175,000 young business people, professionals and active citizens aged 18 to 40 in nearly 125 countries. For more information about the Ambassadors Club, click here. Pierre-Yves Dubois, directeur de congrès adjoint, Jean-Simon Deschênes, associé chez Lavery et P.-Michel Bouchard, président-directeur général, société du Centre des congrès de Québec
Droit-inc. quote Marie-Hélène Jolicoeur in an article on advices given to young lawyers
Droit-inc. quote Marie-Hélène Jolicoeur in an article on advices given to young lawyers.
Marilyn Paré mentioned in La Tribune regarding her participation at the Gala reconnaissance Estrie
Marilyn Paré mentioned in La Tribune regarding her participation at the Gala reconnaissance Estrie.
Pierre Marc Johnson quoted by Droit-inc. on the death of Roy Heenan
Pierre Marc Johnson quoted by Droit-inc. on the death of Roy Heenan.
Droit-inc. mentions Julie Cousineau in an article regarding her participation at the 2016 Annual Review of Commercial Litigation Jurisprudence
Droit-inc. mentions Julie Cousineau in an article regarding her participation at the 2016 Annual Review of Commercial Litigation Jurisprudence.