Adnana Zbona Senior Associate

Adnana Zbona Senior Associate


  • Montréal

Phone number

514 877-2995

Bar Admission

  • Québec, 2016


  • English
  • French
  • Romanian
  • Spanish


Senior Associate and Certified Mediator

Adnana Zbona is a lawyer in the Litigation and Conflict Resolution group and focuses her practice on family, personal and estate law, including divorce, separation, child custody, partition of property and child and spousal support. She has represented parties in cases involving filiation and grandparents’ rights of access to grandchildren.

Her practice covers every aspect of family, personal and estate law, including negotiating out-of-court settlements, reviewing and drafting proceedings and representing clients before the courts. Ms. Zbona also works on cases involving the protection of incapacitated adults and international child abduction cases.

Throughout her practice, Ms. Zbona has appeared before the Superior Court and pleaded before the Court of Appeal of Quebec. Before joining the Litigation and Conflict Resolution group in 2021, Ms. Zbona shared her practice between family and immigration law. Practising immigration law led Ms. Zbona to represent parties before the Federal Court and the Immigration and Refugee Board. Over the past years, she has participated in settlement conferences that have resulted in disputes being resolved.

She is also a mediator at the Court of Québec, Small Claims Division.


  • Certified mediator for small claims mediation, 2018
  • LL.B., Université de Montréal, 2015

Boards and Professional Affiliations

  • Association des avocats et avocates en droit de la famille du Québec (A.A.A.D.F.Q.)
  • Young Bar of Montreal



  • Certified mediator
  1. Lavery welcomes five new associates

    Lavery is pleased to announce the arrival of five new associates to the firm with diverse expertise. Romeo Aguilar Perez, CIRC Romeo Aguilar Perez joins our Labour and Employment Group. As part of his practice, he advises employers in the public, parapublic and private sectors on all aspects of employment relations and human capital management. He specializes in employment litigation, grievance arbitration, labour relations, labour standards, human rights, administrative investigations and occupational health and safety.   Frédéric Bolduc Frédéric Bolduc joins our Labour and Employment Group. During his studies at the Université de Montréal, He acted as a mentor and was involved with the Mobile Legal Clinic as a student clinician. The excellence of his academic results earned him a place on the undergraduate honour list at the Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Law and the Bar of Montréal Award for Excellence in Business Law (2019).   Frédéric Bolduc Frédéric Bolduc se joint à notre groupe Droit du travail et de l’emploi. Au cours de ses études à l’Université de Montréal, il a agi à titre de mentor et s’est impliqué à titre d’étudiant clinicien auprès de la Clinique juridique itinérante. L’excellence de ses résultats académiques lui a valu de figurer sur la liste d’honneur des étudiants du 1er cycle de la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Montréal et de se faire décerner le prix Barreau de Montréal pour excellence en droit des affaires (2019). Louis Lafleur, CIRC Louis Lafleur joins our Labour and Employment Group. In his practice, he advises employers in all areas of labour and employment law on matters concerning both individual and collective reports for employment-related disputes. Jinnie Liu Jinnie Liu joins our Business Law Group and focuses her practice on tax law. Jinnie Liu began her career in an international professional services firm’s corporate taxation group, where she played a key role by assisting clients in all aspects of the corporate life of businesses, no matter their size, including mergers and acquisitions, reorganizations, financing and cross-border mandates. Adnana Zbona Adnana Zbona joins our Family law, Personal law, and Estate law group. Her practice covers every aspect of family, personal and estate law, including negotiating out-of-court settlements, reviewing and drafting proceedings and representing clients before the courts.  

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